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There are separate pages for the Burning of the Man (9/3) and the Burning of the Temple (9/4).

Sunday (the last full day) (9/4) we explored the Outer Playa (beyond the Temple).

Burning Man   2011/09/04 11:19.  75 of 79

File name:     219.jpg
File size:     380076 bytes
File date:     Wed Sep 07 16:17:48 PDT 2011
Camera make:   SAMSUNG
Camera model:   SAMSUNG WB500, WB510 / VLUU WB500 / SAMSUNG HZ10W
Date/Time:     2011:09:04 11:19:53
Resolution:    1024 x 768
Focal length:  10.5 mm
Shutter speed: 1/362 sec
Aperture:      F10.8
ISO equiv.:    80
Metering mode: Multi-segment
Exposure:      Program normal
JPG quality:   1574144/786432 bits/pixel

Plain JPEG images: Original (1024x768) Scaled (740x555) Thumbnail (240x180)