Pictures from 2007

A January trip to Nelson Cove.
At Nelson Cove we saw some wild turkeys (3/17).
The same trip the solar panels were installed (3/18).
An October Nelson Cove trip (2007/10/06-08).
Two November and December Nelson Cove trips (2007/11/09-12, 12/27-28).
During the latter we woke up to a snow-covered valley (2007/12/28).

Damage from another car crashing into our fence (06/14-20).

Jonn Visits the Bay Area for a conference [2 pictures] (02/03, 02/11).

We drove down US 1 with Tor.
Friends and family joined us at Nelson Cove for Per's 50th birthday.

The Felts Family Reunion was held in Boise, Idaho.
We drove through some beautiful scenery (06/27-7/4).
On our way we drove through the Hart Mountain Antilope Refuge (6/28).
Much of it was meals and visiting (6/29-7/1).
We took the Boise Tour Train (6/30).

Pictures of our cats.

We mislaid our camera at Nelson Cove, so we bought a Canon PowerShot A570IS as a replacement. (We later found the old camera.)

We flew to Norway via Amsterdam, where we had an extended lay-over.
We walked a bit around Amsterdam (8/07),
followed by canal boat tour (8/07).
With Simon we drove to the Eggedal cabin (8/13);
and went on two mountain hikes (8/13-14).
We drove to Bogstad and Holmenkollen in Oslo (8/22).

A hike in Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve in the Oakland hills (10/27).

Halloween at El Camino Reelers (10/31).