Pictures from 2010

A big tree branch fell on the house and hot-tub (while we were in it) (02/26).

For the birthdays we visited Phoenix and Palm Springs:
The Montezuma Castle national Monument (3/6).
The Montezuma Well (3/6).
Sedona (3/6).

Nelson Cove with April flowers (04/09-10).

We visited France and Switzerland for Tor's 50th birthday.
We rode model trains at the Swiss Vapeur Parc (04/15).

A hike to the confluence of the South and Middle forks of the Tuolumne River (05/16).

A visit to Norway in conjunction with Per's father Aage turning 90:
A hike near Stovi (07/14).
The party for Aage (07/17).
A hike at Kolsås (07/18).

Some pictures of our Cats.

A hike in the hills above Palm Springs (12/01).