Per and Peter after signing the final papers on May 9, and staying at the ranch May 9-10.

Flowers and grasses
Tadpoles below pond

Per and Nathan staying at the property two nights in a on row, May 29-31.

Future relay point
From relay point looking West
Rattlesnake on road

Wednesday June 5 Nathan drove with his parents Sarah and Roger on a quick one-day trip up to Yosemite Lakes, Coursegold, to visit with some of Roger's relatives. Afterwards, they, plus Jean (Roger's sister) and Diane (grand-parent of Jeans's grand-children) visited Nelson Cove.

Jean with Big Equipment
Diane, Roger, Jean
Diane, Roger, Jean
Jean and Diane
Roger, Jean, Diane
Roger, Jean, Diane

The next trip was 3 whole nights: June 19-22. On Thursday June 20 Nathan and Per explored up-river, which deserves its own page.

On Satuday we tried explored the area near the South-Eastern corner. Our plan was to hike down along the Southern boundary, but it was to hot and the brush was too dense. Another, cooler, time!

Southern boundary looking West
Nelson Cove
At Southern boundary looking East